carbad lùtha ùrcompanaidhean. This forum provides a platform for these companies to actively deploy overseas business and explore investment opportunities in overseas markets. As the global demand for sustainable transportation solutions continues to increase, new energy vehicle companies are strategically positioned to capture this growth trend.
Tha brosnachadh cruinneil còmhdhail seasmhach air brosnachadhcarbad lùtha ùrcompanies to actively expand overseas business. These companies are using the 14th China Overseas Investment Fair as a springboard to contact representatives and envoys from various countries.By participating in such forums, these companies not only showcase their technological advancements but also seek potential partners and investment opportunities to enhance their influence in the mhargaidh eadar-nàiseanta.
carbad lùtha ùrtha companaidhean ag ullachadh na slighe airson àm ri teachd nas uaine agus nas seasmhaiche ann an còmhdhail.